Guides - Chatterbox Quilts

Build your free motion quilting confidence!


Free guides to help you improve your quilting


Achieving Accuracy in Quilting

It can be very discouraging that after all the hard work of choosing and cutting fabric, sewing the blocks and putting them together to find that the seams and/or blocks do not line up. All that hard work and you end up with a project that you are not happy with. This is why accurate quilting is important from the start to the finish of making a quilt.

Learn the skills that will help you quilt with accuracy.

Get Out of the Ditch!… How to start free motion quilting

Some quilters go through their whole quilting life without learning free motion quilting and I believe they are missing out on a huge part of the quilting journey. Using free motion quilting to complete your projects will save you money, give you back control of your projects, and open up new ways to express your creativity.

Learn how to start your free motion quilting journey.

3 Ways to Improve Your Free Motion Quilting

I believe that every quilter should be able to free motion quilt. It can be the most creative part of the quilting process and it is a shame that so many quilters are hesitant to do it. It is just another technique like the others that quilters learn so why is there so much resistance and hesitation to doing it?

The only way to solve this dilemma is to gain knowledge and experience so that you can confidently free motion quilt, knowing that your efforts will be successful.

Learn three ways to develop confidence in your free motion quilting skills.

Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray

Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray Fabrics Cover.jpg

The Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray has been a huge hit with thousands of quilters because it is easy to make, works amazingly well, and, best of all, it will save you so much basting time! You can whip this spray up in no time with simple ingredients such as flour, rubbing alcohol or vodka, and water. Using this spray to baste your quilts will save you time - and time saved is more quilts made!

Expert Tips and Advice for Enjoyable Quilting

Over my decades of quilting and teaching, I’ve learned a lot and want to share it with you! In this downloadable ebook, I share my most helpful quilting tips and information about various quilting topics. I’ve created this book from the questions I frequently get asked and the knowledge that I believe is most helpful for enjoyable quilting.

Best Free Motion Quilting Books and Tools

In this downloadable ebook, I’ve compiled an extensive list of books on free motion, ruler, and walking foot quilting. These are the books I own and refer to frequently in my quilt library. I’ve included a description for each as well as links so you can get more details and add them to your library too. I’ve also included my most favourite and helpful tools that I always use when quilting my quilts. It’s a resource that you’ll refer to over and over again in your free motion quilting journey.

Time Saving Tips For Quilters

You know how precious quilting time is so it’s worth the effort to make sure that you use it wisely. Notice I said use time wisely. With that in mind here are some ideas on how to improve how you use your quilting time. I