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 Quilting With Scraps

From Chatterbox Quilts’ YouTube Channel

I love using scraps in my quilts because I can use up all those fabric cut-offs that accumulate when I am making quilts from fabric. I like how you can create so many different looks just by using the scraps in different ways or rearranging the blocks in different combinations. Scrap quilts are really forgiving so that you don’t have to “stress out” about looking perfect. The variation is part of the charm.

Ideas for Scraps

5 Ideas for Fabric Scraps

There are so many uses for scrap fabrics and I share 5 different ways you can use your fabric scraps in this video. From blocks to embellishments, fabric scraps are handy for so many different uses.

Strip (or String) Piecing

How to Foundation Piece with Scraps - String Version

Learn how to make a quilt block using foundation piecing. We'll be digging into our fabric scraps to make a complicated-looking but easy-to-do strip-pieced quilt block. Learn how to use a batting foundation to create a quick and easy quilt block using your fabric scraps. You'll want to pull out your scrap strings (rectangular scrap pieces) to make this block. You'll also be using the quilt as you go (QAYG) technique in making this block so that when you're finished, it's all ready to be put into your project.


Foundation Pieced Quilt Block - Half Strips

Learn how to use your fabric scraps to make a foundation pieced quilt block that is half solid fabric and half strips. Learn how to get two blocks using this technique. It's an easy block to make and there are so many different types of designs you can create by combining several of these blocks together.


Foundation Pieced Quilt Block - Strippy Centre

Learn how to make a foundation pieced block using your fabric scraps. This block uses batting as the foundation and has a strippy centre made from a variety of scrap fabrics. Kim shows you how to use the quilt as you go method to construct this foundation pieced scrap block and it appears as the stripped centre is "floating". This is an easy block to make and when you are finished, it's already quilted!


Easy Scrap Fabric String Block

Clear out some of your fabric strips while making this easy quilt block. You may have leftover half-square triangles from other projects and you'll only need one of these for the center of this block. The rest of the fabric can come from your scrap bins. Follow step-by-step instructions to make this block which looks much more complicated than it is to make - the best kind of block! 😉


How to Make a 2 Colour Strip Pieced Block

You don’t have to have lots of different fabric colours to make an effective strip pieced block. In this video, Kim shows you how to make a strip pieced block with only 2 colours of fabric. While this block is simple, it creates lots of interesting design possibilities.


Make a Strippy Scrappy Mug Rung

Learn how to make a mug rug using the quilt as you go (QAYG) technique. Learn how to use your fabric strings (long rectangular pieces) to make a quick strip-pieced mug rug. This is a great way to use up your fabric scraps and makes a great gift, especially if you are short on time. As you'll be using the quilt as you go method, when you've finished making the top of the mug rug, you're done.


5 Tips for Trouble-Free Strip Piecing

Learn 5 tips to ensure that your strip piecing is trouble-free.


What to Do If Your Fabric Is Too Short

If you’re strip piecing and your fabric strips are too short, what should you do? Kim explains how to use fabric scraps and crumb fabric to make fabric strips that are long enough to work in a strip pieced block.


How To Add Interest to Your Appliqués with Strip Piecing

While many quilters consider making blocks using the strip piecing technique, I think it’s also a great way to add interest to your appliqué pieces. In this video, Kim shows you how to use strip piecing to create interested appliqués ready to liven up your quilt projects.

Are your scraps taking over your studio?

Join me in the Wrangle Your Scraps Challenge to organize your scraps.

Scrap Quilting

How to Make A Nine Patch Block with Scraps

Learn how to make a nine patch block using scrap fabrics. Most of us have scrap fabric - it's a natural by-product of quilting! Learn how to use your scrap fabrics to make an easy nine patch block. The nine patch block is a basic block that is easy to make and perfect for beginner quilters. It can be used in a variety of projects and it's the perfect block to make using scrap fabrics.


How to Make a Ticker Tape Block

Learn how to use your fabric scraps to make this easy ticker tape block. Learn what fabric scraps work best and then walk step-by-step through the construction process which uses the quilt as you go method. The best part is that you don't have to finish the edges of your fabric scraps - you want them to fray to give texture and interest to this project. This method can be expanded to make a quilt project of any size. The original ticker tape quilt is from "Crazy Mom Quilts", a blog by Amanda Jean Nyberg.


How To Make an Easy Quilt As You GO Bookmark

Learn how to make this fast and easy quilt as you go bookmark from fabric scraps. You don't need much to make this bookmark and it makes a great gift for your book-loving friends. All you need to make this QAYG bookmark is fabric scraps, a small piece of batting, some ribbon and your creativity. Make one or make many - you'll always have a gift to slip into a card or Christmas stocking when needed!

Crumb & Confetti Quilting

Crumb Quilting Tutorial

Learn how to do crumb quilting using your smallest fabric scraps. In this crumb quilting tutorial, you'll learn how easy this technique is and discover a great way to use up tiny pieces of fabric.


How to Make Crumb Blocks

Learn how to make crumb blocks. Crumb quilting is perfect to use up small pieces of scrap fabric and in this video, learn how to create 3 different crumb blocks from small pieces of fabric scraps.


Crumb Quilt Projects

Learn how to make crumb quilt projects from the crumb fabric that you've learned how to make. Learn how to make a crumb quilt stick project in this tutorial. You will get tips on making this crumb stick block and see examples of how you can use it in projects.


Appliqués From Crumb Quilting Fabric

Learn how to cut appliqué shapes from crumb quilting fabric. Use your die or electronic cutter to cut appliqués from crumb quilting fabric made from fabric scraps.


Make a Wall Hanging with Fabric Scraps

Learn how to make a wall hanging using appliqués made from fabric scraps. Kim shows you how to use crumb fabric appliqués, made from small fabric scraps, to make a wall hanging.


Scrap Fabric Art Quilt Part 1

Use up your scrap bits and pieces of fabric and those trims and embellishments that you've been collecting in this improvisational scrap fabric art quilt. After watching Frances Holliday Alford on Quilt It! The Longarm Quilting Show hosted by Jodie Davis, I had to try this for myself. I love to collect trims and embellishments and this was the perfect project to use them and get rid of some of my scrap fabrics. This is Part 1 of a 3-part series.


Scrap Fabric Art Quilt Part 2

Practice your free motion quilting in Part 2 of the Scrap Fabric Art Quilt project. In this video, I'll show you how to set up the quilt sandwich for free motion quilting using water soluble stabilizer.


Scrap Fabric Art Quilt Part 3

In this final part of making a scrap fabric art quilt, learn how to add additional embellishments and ideas for finishing off your art piece.


Are your scraps taking over your studio?

Join me in the Wrangle Your Scraps Challenge to organize your scraps.