Welcome to Cyber Monday! I'm pleased to offer you 20% discounts on two of my on-line courses.
A few of the vintage sewing machines in my collection
In The Joy of Vintage Sewing Machines you'll learn everything you need to know to assess and purchase an older sewing machine. You'll learn how to assess and select a machine, clean it - inside and out - so it's in ready to sew condition. Of course you'll want to use your rejuvenated machine, so two projects are included in this course to get you started. If you've got an old sewing machine in the attic or always wanted to purchase and use one of these wonderful machines, The Joy of Vintage Sewing Machines is the course for you. Enrol today.
Awesome Blossom in progress
If you've always wanted to try appliqué, enrol in Essential Guide to Fusible Web Appliqué to learn this fast and easy technique. You'll learn about different types of fusible web, fabric selection and the technique itself. In this course you'll learn how to finish the edges of your appliqué pieces and you'll practice the technique by creating Awesome Blossom, a beautiful wall hanging. The pattern is included free with the course. Enrol in Essential Guide to Fusible Web Appliqué today to start learning and creating.
Happy creating!