Craftsy Flash Sale! — Chatterbox Quilts

Build your free motion quilting confidence!

Craftsy Flash Sale!

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Just in time for the week-end, Craftsy is having a FLASH sale! This is a perfect opportunity to get better at what you love to do or learn a new skill. This week-end only, get up to 50% off Craftsy's best online classes. You'll enjoy hours of up-close instruction from expert instructors and you don't even have to leave your home. Who doesn't love learning in their pj's?!


Of course, I'm especially interested in the quilting and sewing classes (as if I haven't already enrolled in enough of these!). There always seems to be new classes that I'm interested in and I find that I really enjoy creating a project along with the teacher. I have also taken several of the cooking classes and learned lots that I didn't know.

You'll have to hurry to take advantage of these savings as this sale ends Sunday. Don't delay: check out the savings today - and let me know the classes in which you enrolled.

*Please note that I am a Craftsy affiliate and will be compensated if you enrol in a class.