Changes to the Chatterbox Quilts' Blog — Chatterbox Quilts

Build your free motion quilting confidence!

Changes to the Chatterbox Quilts' Blog

I've recently made a few additions to my blog and website of which I wanted you to be aware. No major changes, just a few additions that I hope will be helpful for my readers.

I'm still getting used to blogging on Squarespace and realized that there isn't an easy way to find blog posts on a certain subject, for example, quilting. I've added a block to the blog sidebar where you can now find all of the blog posts on a specific subject. You'll now see "Click to Display Blog Categories" at the top of the right sidebar.

This is what you'll now see at the top of the blog sidebar on the right side.

This is what you'll now see at the top of the blog sidebar on the right side.


You can now click this and a dropdown menu will appear with various subjects in it. You'll also find the number of blog posts on each subject in brackets next to the category. You can click on the desired category and all of the posts on that subject will appear. Just like magic!

When you click on the down arrow, you'll see the various subject categories as well as the number of blogposts about those subjects.

When you click on the down arrow, you'll see the various subject categories as well as the number of blogposts about those subjects.


There is another way to find blog posts in a specific category if you are reading a blog post. You'll note that there is a date and a category under each blog post title, such as "July 1, 2015 in Quilting". If you click on the category (Quilting, in this case), it will bring up all of the blog posts on quilting.

You'll see the category next to the date that the blogpost was published. Go ahead and click on it to bring up all the blogposts in this category.

You'll see the category next to the date that the blogpost was published. Go ahead and click on it to bring up all the blogposts in this category.


You'll see "Articles in Quilting" at the top of the list of blog posts, so you'll know which category in which these blog posts appear.

You'll see "Articles in ..." whatever subject you've clicked on.

You'll see "Articles in ..." whatever subject you've clicked on.


I hope that you'll find this feature helpful and that it makes it easier to search for blog posts on a specific subject.

I've also made a few changes in the "Free Stuff" area of the website (if you can come up with a better name for this page, please let me know). I now have Embroidery Tutorials and Fabric-y Tutorials (which is anything other than embroidery tutorials) in this section of the website. I've added videos to the content on these pages and will continue to update them with the most recent videos in these areas.

Check out the Store page while you're looking through the website as I've recently added a few more new patterns to it.

If you have any suggestions for my website, please let me know. 
