Do you watch the videos on my Youtube channel or do you watch them through my blog posts? If you're a subscriber to my Youtube channel, you automatically receive new content each week – you don't even have to go looking for them, any time a new video is released, you'll receive an email to let you know there is a new one to watch. If you don't watch my videos on Youtube, you may not be aware of how the content is organized.
You may think that I post videos on my Youtube channel willy-nilly and there isn't any easy way to find a video on a specific topic, other than scrolling down through a large list of videos. This just isn't the case! I have developed playlists to categorize my videos and make it easy for my subscribers to quickly find videos on specific subjects. I often post a series of videos and it's so much easier to find all of them in one playlist.
Let me explain how this works. I'll walk you through how to find and use playlists and I'm assuming that you're going to Youtube on a laptop or computer, rather than a mobile device, as it looks a bit different if you're looking for the playlists on those devices. When you go to my Youtube channel – you're going there now, right? - you'll see several choices along the top menu, such as Home (where you currently are, but perhaps not where you're reading this blog post!), Videos, Playlists, Channels, etc.
This is a portion of what you'll see on the home screen of my Youtube channel
The one you're interested in is "Playlists", so just click on it now. This will take you to the Playlists page, where you can see the different playlists, or categories, of videos. If you click on the "All Playlists" on the left side of the screen under the main menu, you will see a list of the playlists that are available and can access any of the playlists from here.
Now you're on the Playlists area of my Youtube channel
If you don't click on the "All playlists" dropdown menu, you will notice that there are thumbnails and playlists under "Playlists by Chatterboxquilts". Click on the "Hand Embroidery and Stitchery" playlist to be taken to 15 videos about this subject (each playlist has a different number of videos depending on how many there are for that particular category).
You'll see a list of all the videos in this playlist on the right side of your screen. You can either let the videos play automatically or select the video you'd like to view.
The videos in the playlist will play automatically or you can select a specific video from the right sidebar.
New videos are added to the appropriate playlist and I will create new playlists if I'm starting a new series of videos on one specific subject.
I hope that this helps to explain the categorization of the videos on my Youtube channel and makes it easier for you to find the one, or two, or three in which you are interested.