Double Stitch and Flip Block
Welcome to this week's episode of Telecast Thursday!
I'm adding another block to the Quick Quilt Blocks playlist with the Double Stitch and Flip block. I must say that as we go on, the blocks are sounding more and more like gymnastic manoeuvres! :)
This block builds on the original Stitch and Flip block, so if you haven't already watched the video on that block, you might want to check it out.
To make the Double Stitch and Flip block, you will need:
- 1 - 5" background square
- 1 - 3 1/2" square
- 1 - 2 1/2" square
You can, of course, adjust the sizes of these squares, but I would suggest that the smallest square should be half the size of the background square and the second square should be at least 1" larger than that square. For example, if your background square was 9", the smallest square would be 4 1/2" and the second square would be 5 1/2".
I would strongly suggest that you ensure that there is good contrast between these fabrics to make this block effective. If the background block is a dark fabric, the next block should be a light and the smallest block should be darker again. You'll see what I mean in the video.
You'll draw a diagonal line on the back of the two smaller squares and then match the larger of these two up, right sides together, on one corner of the background block. Stitch along this diagonal line or slightly off it, closer to the corner. Press out to the corner and then trim off the underneath fabrics 1/4" away from the stitched line and then you can add the second smallest square in the same way.
Watch the video for how to create bonus half square triangles while stitching this block. It's always nice to get two blocks from creating one!
You can watch the video showing this block creation below or on my YouTube channel.
Remember to check the Quick Quilt Blocks playlist to see other quick quilt blocks (try saying that three times in a row!).
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Do you have any favourite quick quilt blocks? I'm looking for suggestions as to how these can be put together into a quilt so if you have any ideas, please let me know in the comments below.
P.S. Please join my private Chatterbox Quilts' Facebook group for information and discussions on quilting topics. I'd love to chat with you there!