Needle and Threads for Free Motion Quilting — Chatterbox Quilts

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Needle and Threads for Free Motion Quilting

Every quilter needs to know how to quilt their quilt. Whether they free motion quilt it or prefer to do walking foot quilting, they need to know what threads and needles to use when quilting.

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I recently had a discussion with Allison Spence of Meadow Rose Quilts (Handi Quilter national educator and Superior Threads’ certified educator) about the type of needles and threads that work best when free motion quilting. There are different weights and compositions of thread and some work better than others when doing this type of quilting. Once you’ve chosen your thread, then you have to match it with an appropriate needle.


Click on the image below to learn more about choosing the "right" needles and threads for free motion quilting.


What type of thread do you prefer to use when quilting? Let me know in the comments below.


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