Half Square Triangle Stitch and Flip Block
I've got another quick stitch and flip block for you this week. This one looks quite complicated, but it's really very easy to create.
This week I'm going to show you how to make a Half Square Triangle Stitch and Flip block. Yes, it's a mouthful, and while it's hard to say, it's quite easy to make :)
You'll need:
a background square
4 half square triangles
I've shown you several ways to make half square triangles in previous videos, so refer to my Quick Quilt Blocks playlist to choose your favourite method and make four of them.
The background square that I use in my example is 4" and the half square triangles are 2½" unfinished.
You'll need to draw a diagonal line on the wrong side of each of the half square triangle units using a removable pen or pencil. This line will go across the stitched seam.
Next you will place a half square triangle onto one of the background square's corners. You can play around with the arrangement, but be sure that the drawn line, where you will be stitching, is oriented properly on the background square.
Stitch on the drawn diagonal line on one of the half square triangles and then press it out to the background square's corner before proceeding to add the next half square triangle to the background square. You could stitch half square triangles to the opposite corners of the background square if you wish, but don't do adjacent corners. Trim up the excess corner fabric and square up the block.
Click on the image below to watch the video to see exactly how this process goes.
I like how this block looks complicated, but is really quite simple to make. Which version is your favourite? Leave me a comment below to let me know.
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