Singer 66 red eye — Chatterbox Quilts' Blog - Chatterbox Quilts

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Singer 66 red eye

What to Consider When Buying a Treadle Sewing Machine - Singer 66

What to Consider When Buying a Treadle Sewing Machine - Singer 66

I often hear people say that a treadle machine doesn't work, when often there is only one small, but significant, part that would enable the machine to run: the belt. Most of the belts on these machines were made of leather, which, over time, would wear, become brittle and eventually break, rendering the machine "unuseable". This is a simple and inexpensive fix as new treadle belts can be purchased in either leather or rubber, for just a few dollars. Put on the new belt and you're ready to start stitching.

Piecing with the Singer 66 Red Eye Sewing Machine

Piecing with the Singer 66 Red Eye Sewing Machine

I pulled out one of my "to do" projects and thought that I had better get it done! I had set these fabrics aside about two years ago to create a project from Turning Twenty - Simply Sashed and that was about as far as I got with this pattern. What got me finally started on making this quilt? My Singer 66 Red Eye treadle sewing machine. Watch my Youtube video on how I acquired this machine.

Off the Power Grid and into "Me" Power

Off the Power Grid and into "Me" Power

I have been looking for a nice treadle cabinet and a Singer 66 Red Eye (or Red Head) sewing machine for some time and lucky for me, I found them both in one package! Even better, I didn't have to travel hours (as I've been know to do) to get this machine and its cabinet as they were right here in Calgary.