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quilt along

The Community Quilt Along is Finally Here!

I'm thrilled to announce that registration for the Community Quilt Along is now open! Don't know about this 4 month online quilt along? Let me tell you all about it :)

Community 45½" x 49"

Community 45½" x 49"


Community is a modern quilt designed by Keith Phillips of QuiltFusion. Keith also designed last year's online One World Quilt Along, which was a huge success. Like the One World Quilt Along, the Community Quilt Along is in several parts (4, to be exact), with each new part being released on the 18th of the month, starting on September 18, 2017 and ending with the final part on December 18, 2017. Community is a pieced and fusible web appliqué project so it is easy to do, even for a beginner. Community uses solid fabrics in its construction, so if you have always wanted to try a project with these types of fabric, now is the time to enrol.

This is an online quilt along so you can join from anywhere in the world. As long as you have access to the internet, you'll be able to enrol in the Community Quilt Along

Each month you will receive a block pattern as well as an instructional video for that block. To help you in constructing Community, additional reference documents will be sent to you when you enrol and there are special BONUSES as well.

You may want to make Community but feel that you don't have time to make it starting in September: no problem! When you enrol in the Community Quilt Along, all of the patterns and videos are yours to keep so you can work through the quilt at your own pace. Enrol now to lock in the introductory price* and make Community when you have time.

For more information on the Community Quilt Along, watch the video below or on my YouTube channel

I hope you'll join me and other quilters around the world in the Community Quilt Along. For more information and to enrol today, click here.


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P.S. *I almost forgot to mention that there is a special introductory price of $49.99 USD on the Community Quilt Along. Enrol soon to take advantage of this low price. It will be increasing once the quilt along starts on September 18, 2017.


Design Inspiration with Devon Lavigne

NOTE: This is a re-issue of the initial blogpost, which had some technical errors in it.

I love books, especially quilting books and I have bookcases full of them to prove it! While I enjoy flipping through these books for inspiration or to find my next quilt to create, I really like to hear the back stories that are behind the book. 

I was fortunate enough to chat with Devon Lavigne, co-author or Fresh From the Prairies, about her latest book, Quilt Traditions. This book contains 12 different projects, mostly of a pieced nature, and uses a range of techniques to create these quilts. I sat down with Devon in her home just outside of Drumheller, Alberta, Canada to talk about the theme of Quilt Traditions and the inspiration behind some of the projects in it.

Watch the video below or on my YouTube channel.

I love the idea behind Quilt Traditions: celebrating different events in a girl's life. I so admire Devon's design ideas and how she crafts her quilt designs. I'm more of an appliqué quilter, than a piecing one so I am always fascinated when I see intricate-looking pieced designs. This is why I was so pumped when Devon wanted to collaborate with me on the Potion Quilt Along. It gave me the perfect opportunity to work with some half-square triangles, which I love, as well as learning how to make a block with a partial seam.

If you'd like to enrol in the online Potion Quilt Along, you can find out more information here. We'd love to have you join us :)



P.S. This blogpost contains affiliate links and I will receive a small amount of monetary compensation if you purchase by clicking through these links. Thank you for helping me to continue to provide free content for you.

Potion Summer Quilt Along

In my previous blogpost, a review of Quilt Traditions by Devon Lavigne, I dropped a hint that Devon and I were working on a collaboration. It's here: I'm thrilled to announce that Devon Lavigne and I have partnered up to bring you the online Potion Quilt Along!

Potion, one of the quilts in her recently released book, Quilt Traditions, is a pieced 69" x 81" quilt. The quilt along is in 4 parts, with each part being released every two weeks, so you can create this quilt by the end of summer. In addition to the pattern for Potion, you'll also receive videos from both Devon and I to help you make your own version of Potion. We've also included some handy reference materials so you can make either Devon's version or mine. 

Devon and I had lots of fun working on this quilt along together and can hardly wait for you to enrol so you can make your own version of Potion.

For more information, you can watch the video below or on my YouTube channel.

Enrol in the online Potion Quilt Along today and start gathering your fabrics. The Potion Quilt Along kicks off on July 17, 2017. 


One World Quilt Along Borders and Finishing

Can you believe it? We are at the last instalment of the One World Quilt Along! Yes, it's finally here!

This instalment isn't even a block, really, although I think of it as Block 7. It is actually putting all of the blocks that have been created into the quilt itself by adding sashing and borders. There is one more appliqué to add as well: an alligator. Once this has all been done, the quilt top will be ready for quilting.

I'm feeling a bit lost down here.

I'm feeling a bit lost down here.


I had a bit of a problem with the alligator appliqué - he really didn't want to be stitched down by himself in the quilt's border and insisted upon visiting the other animals in the previous blocks. After a lot of persuasion, I managed to convince him that he had a spot reserved just for him :)

Can I hang out in the trees with you?

Can I hang out in the trees with you?

I'd really love a hat like that!

I'd really love a hat like that!


If you haven't joined the One World Quilt Along, there is still a bit of time to subscribe before it ends. Each block in the quilt is constructed individually so you can really start working on any block - you don't have to start with Block 1. In addition to the blocks, you will also have access to videos for each block to help you complete the quilt. There are two subscription options: Quilter or Viewer. Check out the details here.

Now all that remains is to decide on the prize winners! One of our lucky Quilters will be winning a Janome Artistic Edge digital cutter. There are also lots of fabric-y prizes donated by Hoffman California Fabrics and, last, but not least is a year's subscription to QuiltFusion. Just think of all the wonderful quilt patterns you could create with this amazing software!

I can hardly wait to email the winners of all these wonderful prizes. Keith and I so appreciate the support of Janome, Hoffman California Fabrics, Curious.com (prize already awarded), and, of course, QuiltFusion.

While this may be the end of the One World Quilt Along, Keith and I will be back with another awesome design for our next quilt along. If you have any suggestions for the type of design you'd like to see, please leave them in the Comments below.


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