Vintage Sewing Machines and the Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray
Have you ever noticed those scratches on the bed of your vintage sewing machines and wondered how they got there?
There are any number of reasons about how the machine bed got scratched, but I think that the majority of the time, the damage can be attributed to pins.
These older machines were mostly used for practical sewing and you know that straight pins are an essential part of that type of stitching.
Adding a collar to a shirt? Got to have pins to hold those pieces together as you stitch.
Easing in a full sleeve? Where are those pins?
Unfortunately, straight pins have a tendency to pop out of the fabric sometimes and jam on the sewing machine bed – if not in your fingers! Before you realize it, they’ve damaged the finish on your bed.
Old-fashioned "pin cushions" could cause scratches to the machine
We also use pins when basting our quilt sandwich together, although these are quilting pins and not straight pins. They can still pop open and cause damage or you might be trying to open one up as you are quilting along and accidentally catch it on the bed of the vintage sewing machine. There’s a way to avoid this type of damage to your machine when you are quilting: use the Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray, rather than quilting pins! Get rid of your quilting pins and use this spray to baste your quilt sandwich.
If you haven’t already read the previous blogposts about this Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray and its uses, I’ve gathered all the information into one blogpost that you can read here.
Using it when quilting on your vintage sewing machine prevents the addition of more scratches to the machine bed. It also allows you to quilt without having to stop to remove quilting pins. A double win!
Try the Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray when quilting on your modern, or vintage, sewing machine. It's FREE and you can print it out so you'll have all the information you need to make your own batch of it.
If you are thinking of buying a vintage sewing machine you may be interested in my eBooks for buyers (click here). If you are thinking of selling your machine you may be interested in my How To Sell a Vintage Sewing Machine eBook.
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P.S. Join the private Chatterbox Quilts Facebook group for quilting and vintage sewing machine information.