quilt basting spray — Chatterbox Quilts' Blog - Chatterbox Quilts

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quilt basting spray

Vintage Sewing Machines and the Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray

Vintage Sewing Machines and the Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray

We also use pins when basting our quilt sandwich together, although these are quilting pins and not straight pins. They can still pop open and cause damage or you might be trying to open one up as you are quilting along and accidentally catch it on the bed of the vintage sewing machine. There’s a way to avoid this type of damage to your machine when you are quilting: use the Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray, rather than quilting pins! Get rid of your quilting pins and use this spray to baste your quilt sandwich.

Essential Oils in the Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray

Essential Oils in the Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray

The Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray has quite a strong medicinal odour and it would be great if something could be added to it to change it to a more pleasant smell. I’m not a parfumière, but my first thought was to add essential oil to the spray. So I did. I added several drops of lavender oil to the already made spray and let it sit for several days.

Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray

Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray

In this blog I compile the videos that show you how to make the Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray. I've had such a positive response to this homemade concoction, that I've created a FREE download for you with the recipe to make it as well as tips for the Multi-Purpose Quilt Spray. You'll want to keep this valuable information close at hand so you'll be ready to whip up a new batch whenever you need it.

Quilt Basting Spray for Digital Cutters

Welcome to another episode of Telecast Thursday. This week I'm taking another look at homemade quilt basting spray. I think I should start calling it "multi-purpose quilt spray" as I'm finding more uses for it than just to help in the basting process.

If you haven't already watched my previous videos on this quilt spray, be sure to check them out on my Youtube channel. You'll find links on YouTube in the Description area below this week's video to make it easy to find the previous videos about this spray.

I've discovered that this quilt basting spray also works to stiffen fabric and this is exactly what I needed to do to my fabric to make cutting it on a digital cutter much more precise. I use a Janome Artistic Edge to cut out my fusible appliqué pieces and have found that stiffening the fabric prior to cutting makes for more accurate cuts. 

I spray the homemade quilt basting spray onto the fabric, iron it until it is dry and can then proceed cutting out my appliqué pieces with my Janome Artistic Edge. 

Watch the video below for complete instructions on how to use the spray or watch it on my YouTube channel.

I hope you'll try out this homemade multi-purpose spray and let me know when you do. I'm sure you'll find it's a help in the quilt studio and economical as well.



Telecast Thursday - Quilt Basting Spray Revisited

This is a special Telecast Thursday as my hubby and I are celebrating our 32nd anniversary. As you must've guessed, I was a child bride :)

I've had lots of comments and questions on my homemade quilt basting spray so I thought it was time to revisit this topic. Many of my viewers have tried it and been very pleased with the results. Some were wondering how long you could keep the spray and if it evaporated over time or if it might cause issues if left in their quilt. In this video I'm addressing some of these issues.

You can watch the video below or on my YouTube channel

Kim Jamieson-Hirst of Chatterbox Quilts shows you how to make your own quilt basting spray to use when basting your quilt sandwiches. No more pinning! Find the recipe for this homemade quilt basting spray at http://bit.ly/1nHuyqw Explore, Create, Share...all things fabric at Chatterbox Quilts We love to connect with and help our subscribers, so post any questions or comments below.

NOTE: Don't use the homemade quilt basting spray on fusible webbing, interfacing or stabilizer as it may damage these products and make them ineffective. I have only tried this on regular quilting cotton, so cannot attest to its effectiveness with any other type of produce. 

If you've tried the homemade quilt basting spray, I'd love to hear how you liked it. If you have any questions that I didn't address in this video, let me know so I can answer them in a future video.

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